Friday 20 December 2013

a reddit dialogue as a koan


  1. Btw, An3drew, My favorite sci-fi novel is "Blindsight" by Peter Watts. I think you'd like it because it's hard sci fi:

    Be sure to the read the notes about "Sleight of Mind" and "Sentience/Intelligence" by crtl+f. He uses a lot of empirical information (which he cites) when writing this novel.

    1. i'll be sure not to read it won't I?

      wasted too much of my life reading and watching junk as it is !

      your problem is you are still a consumer !

    2. It's an interesting combination of cognitive science and hard sci fi. You mentioned liking sci fi and recent neuroscience research, so I recommended it. Did you check out the quotes from it?

      The book is definitely not pleasurable to read. There are way too many scientific references, meaning lots of Googling, for it to be pleasurable...

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    4. he's a second tier intellect and you might like to think about what that means !

      why is andrei tarkovksy's “ the mirror ” first tier and peter watts second tier ?

      becuse andrei tarkovksiky in the mirror autistically brings out a deep strain of truth

    5. Do you like Ingmar Bergman btw?

    6. I went ahead and torrented The Mirror. I haven't seen Tarkovsky's other films besides Stalker. I look forward to watching it.

      I've watched a lot of Ingmar Bergman btw. I like Tarkovsky more to be honest. Art house films in general are great.

  2. “Evolution has no foresight. Complex machinery develops its own agendas. Brains — cheat. Feedback loops evolve to promote stable heartbeats and then stumble upon the temptation of rhythm and music. The rush evoked by fractal imagery, the algorithms used for habitat selection, metastasize into art. Thrills that once had to be earned in increments of fitness can now be had from pointless introspection. Aesthetics rise unbidden from a trillion dopamine receptors, and the system moves beyond modeling the organism. It begins to model the very process of modeling. It consumes evermore computational resources, bogs itself down with endless recursion and irrelevant simulations. Like the parasitic DNA that accretes in every natural genome, it persists and proliferates and produces nothing but itself. Metaprocesses bloom like cancer, and awaken, and call themselves I.”
    ― Peter Watts, Blindsight

  3. You call the Diamond Sutra worthless and useless ...

    The Sixth Patriarch said: "Learned Audience: If you wish to penetrate the deepest mystery of the Dharma-world and experience the deepest realisation (samadhi) of Prajna, you should practice Prajna by reciting and studying the Diamond Sutra (the Vajrakkhedika) which will enable you to realise Essence of Mind . You should know that the merit for studying this Sutra is distinctly set forth in the text in laudatory terms; it is immeasurable and illimitable and cannot be enumerated in detail. This Sutra expounds the highest thought of Buddhism and our Lord Buddha delivered it specially for the very wise and quick-witted. The less wise and the slow-witted doubt its credibility."


    1. I think he mentions somewhere else that the meaning of the Diamond Sutra was lost through cultural context.

      I can kinda understand because it's disputable whether the Diamond Sutra was pointing to "non-dualism". Even certain translations of The Platform Sutra seem to give off a different vibe than what contemporary Soto Zen Buddhists or whatever say.

    2. zakaj, rubbish saying only the intelligent can understand it is still rubbish ! god, what's upstairs with you, no wonder you are such a tangled mess !

      sepehr g. the platform sutra is a garbled mess as well tho there are signs of an original mind there !

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    4. from the Diamond

      void stream purling

      empty and liquid

      a bubble in the stream

      a dream!

      a candle-flame that sputters and!


    5. a diamond sparkles and shines







      void !


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    7. Our Lord Buddha sometimes calls it emptiness, other times he calls it The One Bright Pearl, depending on the occasion and the audience. I remember from my youth: "Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces." The Flower Garland Sutra puts it this way: "The mind is the painter that paints everything in the world." Black stream purling ...

    8. your youth is gone and you still don't understand, what hope is there?

    9. Why hope for anything?

      As you said: "Life is not successful."

      What do people think "understanding" would bring? Personal benefits?

    10. not wasting your time on erroneous stuff !

    11. I keep an open mind. Unlike the braindeads at Zen such as ewk, I'm not 100% engraved. I'm here to learn from you. I'm not here to troll. If I didn't think I can expand using this blog, I wouldn't come here! But when you piss on my favourite Sutra, expect a little repercussion! Same goes for other Buddhists.

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    13. yeah but the diamond sutra is erroneous crap ! being abuddhist is crap ! the only savior is yourself, ......................

      reddit zen is just a nightmare of people protecting erroneous intellectual investments..............

    14. But all you do is call us all unenlightened and stupid. I don't disagree, I am unenlightened and stupid. Is it useful, though? If you have nothing to offer to improve us, then what do you have? What are the words good for? Entertainment?

    15. I still think the Diamond Sutra is a masterwork , both from an aesthetical & religious & philosophical point of view.

    16. well provide the evidence ! quote something that is worthy of a masterwork !?

      lol, like looking through a rubbish tip for the diamond that's not there isn't it :o)(

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    18. Poetry is the highest form of human and creative expression and nothing can have precedence over it. No discursive intellectual argument can prove this truth. Just finished watching Tarkovsky's The Mirror. Plan to re-watch in the future alongside this notes:

      I will also transcribe the interspersed poems from Arseny Tarkovsky too.

      Next week I plan to read a lot of the poetry from your reading list too, an3drew. I really don't know where I've been all these years... Poetry really is like the blood of the soul, so to speak.

    19. Sepehr you are highly intelligent but also very young. You're a little bit to preoccupied with what is the Highest, Greatest, Strongest, - I think in time, as one is beaten by life, and when ideals wane, things start becoming more interesting, and less Highest, less Strongest, less Fittest, less Ubermensch! the best Soto master of the 20th century said: "winning is illusion. losing is satori." - read his stuff here I recommend, I promise you'll be entertained.

    20. Nice analysis of Tarkovsky's The Mirror:

    21. I wouldn't bother with that analysis of The Mirror. If you want any words about it, go to the source: "Sculpting in Time".
      The only Tarkovsky film I haven't seen yet is "Ivan's Childhood." Stalker is my favorite, followed by Nostalghia and Andrei Rublev. (Not that it matters)
      If you read his words, you'll find that he had very high ideals for the role of the artist, and little patience for the crap that passes as cinema (even "art" cinema, for that matter)

      As for "losing is satori", Tarkovsky expressed this deeply -- literally in Stalker, but elsewhere.
      The advice is sound; you can't just hope to absorb all the "best" stuff and hope to have some understanding at the end. Too linear, too sheltered. You could use a little descent into madness (pick your poison)...

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