Wednesday 4 November 2015

critique of brad warner


  1. danxia zichun, a proponent of silent illumination (shikantaza)

  2. the way i use shikantaza is different, it really is "instructionless" or "just observing thoughts"

    notions of silent illumination and koan study are distorted mistakes that wreck the usual morons trying to systematize what zen is about !

    1. I didn't know what silent illumination was really

    2. the real shikantaza churns yourself, for just about everybody this state/condition is to be strenuously avoided so they create third party systems like "silent illumination" and "koan study" to proxy their time so they themselves are never subjected to the trauma of C H A N G E

  3. why am i doing a favor for the place i work for and not the other way around ?

    because i'm giving my time ?

    1. that's a very interesting question and perhaps has to do with that very few people ever realise anything like the true income potential due to their capacities !

      these are the best years of your life and is your job doing anything to develop you ?

      when you walk away from your job, what do you leave with ? improved driving skills ? that actually is a huge benefit if it keeps you accident free for the remainder of your life ! ?
