Sunday 10 July 2016



  1. Do you think writing literary criticisms (basically a fancy way of saying "analyzing themes according to a praxis" and "historical context") also constitutes as good writing? I want to make a blog where I analyze fiction and films I like according to Zen praxis, such as Tarkovsky's films and Story of the Stone.

    1. i think one of the problems with "criticisms" is you are always constrained to the vision of another, i have noticed this with translation, there is always a huge shortfall in capturing the cognition of another and actually often one does not want to capture the cognition of another ! : o)

  2. What's your opinion on Materialist Zurvanism?

    I actually think it's compatible with a lot of your views.

    1. sepehr, you need to provide more detail and working on a statement like that !

      my views arise from discovery which is a process, religion is in the end the feeding of priests and maintenance of whatever social order or disorder (isis!) it favours !

    2. It's basically what the Doctor in my play espoused.

    3. NVm, it's just a stupid crystalline structure and not fluid. I've been a failure lately.

      Would germanium and intermittent fasting help? I keep trying to study but get distracted. I don't want to get back into exercising. It's too hot outside. I take Fish Oil (Carlson, liquid form, check for mercury levels), vitamin D, and etc., but I really need to decrease my carb. I have a weird carb addiciton I need to fix.

      Also does nicotine cancel out the effects of CDP-Choline? I think it most likely does...

      Have you ever taken nootropics? I want to focus on my brain above all else.

    4. its years of work to get supplements and diet right, thats where you should put attention . .

      i have heaps of writing on the net, don't waste your time with nootropics

      krill oil is much better than fish oil

      you smoke ?

    5. I use vaporizer now. I think it's better than smoking or hookah.

    6. i've been having a good reaction to jarrow formulas' krill oil

      if you cared about your health really you'd drop all smoking

    7. well drop it slowly over time

  3. Replies
    1. some do

      but i take your point, most don't its just a method of inhaling nicotine ?

    2. It's a mix of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, and nicotine in different strengths. If I can invest in a better electronic cigarette, I could use liquids with pure vegetable glycerin and no propylene glycol.


      i donʼt why people vap in the first place !

      in my view we all modulate the amount of potentially addictive substances anyway and if you are vaping then there is some upper limit your brain has computed so the way out is to modulate down or taper . . .

      if you taper down and it seems physiologically and neurologically beneficial which it will then you will eventually stop !
