Thursday 12 March 2015

tithonos and eos


  1. I feel as if Barbara Ehrenreich's ( mystical experiences kind of resemble the kensho of many Buddhists:

    "What if there is a world underneath what we perceive? We're usually in a world of shared "reality." You and I agree on what we see if we're together, we have similar explanations for it, and so on. To leave that behind and just see things without any of those human attributions, well, that's very, very strange, but I wanted to know more. ... I couldn't tell anybody. I had enough sense to think that this would be seen as crazy.

    The only words I can put to it after all these years is ... that the world flamed into life. Everything was alive. There was a feeling of an encounter with something living, not something God-like, not something loving, not something benevolent, but something beyond any of those kinds of categories, beyond any human categories. I don't know how many minutes this lasted in its full intensity."

    Tithonos should have hugged the earth and given up on eos. He doesn't need to chase eos and can find more solace cultivating the fields, playing music, and writing poetry.

  2. "He doesn't need to chase eos and can find more solace cultivating the fields, playing music, and writing poetry."

    would have thought of "jerking off" first, the vulgar barbarian that I am

  3. Fascinating reddit post from a guy who claims to have lived a completely different life in his coma, with a new family, job, everything. When he woke up he thought he was actually in a coma or a nightmare:

    1. lol, i'm as gullible as you, but it's way too coherent . . .

      : o )

    2. I prefer to believe! Its more fun that way!

      Did you like the visuals of What Dreams May Come?
