Tuesday, 14 July 2015

6th patriarch vision macroscopic quantum


  1. how long did you live at springwater for?

    1. two separate occasions, four or five months total ?

    2. So you've done resident programs? Even with Cambridge, providence and ZMM?

    3. in those days it was quite inexpensive to stay as a guest, so basically i just had a lot of time to wander, let's call it "retreat"

      i took part in the center retreats and daily liturgies, which having spent a lot of my young life in episcopaliananglican boarding schools, never gave me much trouble !

      basically i was looking for a teacher who seemed to undesrtand what it was all about and basically that was only toni packer

      once you get to a certain level you are not dependent on teachers at all, it's just a lifelong work then by yourself !

      it's so really hard to understand you have to look across the generations to find others who understand

      its lonely and community is an illusion !

  2. How can I come to love Ouroboros, Andrew?

    1. you have this continual problem of proxying into the abstract, you need to give real life details more !
