I am abandoning zen because of this issue and moving across to the ultimate reality blog
i'd appreciate it if all new comments are made there, this blog will be left as is !
this blog is the continuation of a genuine mystical tradition, unless you get in daily contemplative time and abstain to a significant degree from "entertainment" then you are just wasting your time and mine !
zen_mystical message board
I am abandoning zen because of this issue and moving across to the ultimate reality blog
i'd appreciate it if all new comments are made there, this blog will be left as is !
if you have no honest sense of not knowing then what is the point ?
entertain yourself forever with wrong minded rubbish I guess, I don't have to put up with it, can close this board down or just leave it suspended
there is something to work out, but you don't read around enough, you don't think enough and you don't get enough solitude !
i am beginning to see the truth of this quote by emil cioran
" each of us must pay for the slightest attempted improvement he inflicts upon a universe created for indifference and stagnation, sooner or later, he will regret not having left it undisturbed ! "